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3rd Quarter, 2021
Presented with an offer that could not be refused; I am leasing over 50% of my building at Main Street and Orange Avenue inclusive of my office space to a national AAA tenant. We have selected the Atria suite 957 (1800 2nd Street) as our new home and look forward to moving back to the building in which I founded Harshman & Company. Ron Spector developed and managed the red brick buildings in which I started my business in 1989 coincidentally just before the massive commercial real estate recession of the early 1990’s. I was too young and enthusiastic or maybe naïve to let a recession stop me and through perseverance and hard work experienced some exciting and productive years in Spector’s Building. It was then, and is now, an excellent location for my business as the directory board then was a Who’s Who of Sarasota business and philanthropic leaders and the new owners, Tricera Capital out of Miami, have significant plans to renovate, update and add tenant-friendly features to this preeminent class A office building. Harshman & Company should be fully relocated by November and look forward to returning home.